budding plant in hand
Welcome to the realm of growth and development, where the brilliant insights of the remarkable Carol Dweck guide us toward transformation. In her compelling book “Mindset”, Dweck unveils a profound concept that shapes the contours of success and […]
reading by the shore
Welcome, seekers of wisdom and architects of change! The following books on how to change your life are the portals to understanding, the keys to unlocking the boundless potential within. They aren’t mere volumes but vessels of inspiration, […]
typewriter and page of "goals"
It is no secret that goals are the compass guiding us toward a future filled with success, fulfillment, and joy. In this expedition, we’ll get into the science behind goal setting, unveiling the remarkable ways it affects our […]
Welcome to a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where we answer the question: What is an attitude of gratitude? The roots of this philosophy date back through the annals of human history, drawing inspiration from various ancient cultures […]


Welcome to a journey that holds the promise of transformation and success. Jim Rohn once said, ‘Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.’ Today, we embark on a path […]
4 hands interlocked


Welcome to a world of endless possibilities! As the great Jim Rohn once said, ‘Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.’ Today, we embark on a journey that […]
Confused look


What’s the best way to earn money online? In this digital age, the avenues to earn money online are as varied as the stars in the night sky – truly, a vast universe filled with promises and prospects. […]
Hundreds fanned out
Welcome to a journey where we shatter the illusions and embrace the truths of financial independence. It’s a journey that pivots on a simple yet profound idea: ‘Profits are better than wages.’ In this world of economic uncertainty, […]
Online Marketing Breakdown
Affiliate marketing may be the most talked-about way of earning extra income in the past couple of years but it still confuses the bulk of us and I’m here to help out with a simple breakdown and explanation […]


Welcome and thanks for visiting – I’m Jake and I’m glad you’re here! If you’re looking for clarity and direction in the world of Digital Marketing, you’re in the right place! First, you should know about me: Retail […]