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Welcome, ambitious digital marketers and aspiring online entrepreneurs! If you’ve found your way here, you’re likely on a quest for the most effective and authentic ‘how to’ guide for mastering the realms of digital marketing. My journey in search of the perfect online opportunity has been filled with twists, turns, and encounters with countless digital promises. Today, I stand before you as a seasoned explorer in the vast landscape of digital marketing, armed with the insights and experiences that will guide you through the intricacies of this dynamic field.

People pointing at laptop
In a world of gimmicks, high costs, and lofty promises, the path to true online success can be obscured if not hidden altogether. I personally navigated through the mazes of ClickBank, spent hours watching courses from AHRefs, explored the community of Wealthy Affiliate, and discovered the enterprise-level landscapes of NP Digital. Together, we’ll unravel the realities behind these digital powerhouses, avoiding hidden upsells, deciphering genuine value, and craft a roadmap tailored to your success. Get ready to discover the ‘how to’ of digital marketing – by the end, you’ll be able to wield the wisdom and strategies needed to carve your niche in the ever-evolving world of digital entrepreneurship.

using a laptop & scratching headThe Lure and Frustrations of Online Opportunities

Promises of swift success often glitter like fool’s gold, casting an alluring glow that can lead even the most discerning eyes astray. My own journey was subject to the siren call of instant wealth and the pitfalls that followed. Here’s a list of frustrations that are all too familiar to those stepping into the world of online entrepreneurship.

  • The Allure of Quick Success:
    The tantalizing prospect of rapid triumph is a tempting mirage that beckons many into the digital landscape. However, the reality often unravels differently, leading to dashed expectations and the realization that genuine success demands dedication and strategic planning.
  • High Startup Costs & Hidden Upsells:
    Many online ventures promise low entry barriers, only to reveal hidden costs that can quickly escalate. My own experiences with exorbitant startup expenses taught me the importance of transparent business models. We’ll navigate through these hidden layers to uncover the true value of digital courses.
  • Lofty Promises:
    The online space echoes with grandiose promises, creating a dissonance that can drown out even the most practical insights. We’ll sift through the noise to discern between exaggerated claims and actionable strategies.
  • Finding Out You’re Alone:
    The isolation that comes with digital exploration can be disheartening. We’ll delve into the emotions of solitude and illuminate the path toward a supportive community, where collaboration and guidance thrive.
  • Finding Out You’re Really Learning to Market Someone Else’s Course:
    Realizing that you’ve invested time and money to primarily market someone else’s course – a revelation that can redefine your approach to online ventures. We’ll explore the importance of owning your business and crafting a unique digital footprint.

Embark with me as we unravel the illusions, confront the frustrations, and emerge with a clearer vision of the genuine opportunities that await in the ‘how to’ of digital marketing.

Read More: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Step by Step

Evaluating Popular Online Courses

Let’s take a closer look at some well-known entities and explore their unique offerings.

girl holding a magnifying glass

A. Clickbank: Unveiling the Strengths and Weaknesses

Clickbank, a prominent online marketplace, has become a hub for digital products and courses. If you have spent any time in the digital marketing space, you’ve likely seen multiple offers referring to ‘blueprints’ or an upfront investment of $997 or more from some of their prominent affiliates. On it’s own however, it’s a go-to platform for many entrepreneurs and offers a comprehensive network of affiliate programs along with a paid training option.

B. AHRefs: Features and Drawbacks Unveiled

AHRefs stands as a powerhouse in the realm of SEO tools, offering a suite of features designed to elevate digital marketing strategies. After watching hours upon hours of their insightful videos, I gained a clear understanding of how affiliate marketing works and how I could use their suite of services to supplement my efforts. That said, I was still left to figure out the website creation & hosting task. All in all, a great reference for experienced marketers.

C. Wealthy Affiliate: Setting It Apart

Wealthy Affiliate has carved a distinct niche in the online education space, particularly in the realm of affiliate marketing. What sets them apart is a continually updated library of comprehensive training, community support, along with the tools needed to build an online business from scratch.

D. NP Digital: Overview and Comparative Analysis

NP Digital, spearheaded by industry leader Neil Patel, has emerged as a force in the digital marketing landscape. Neil has a wealth of information relating to organic and paid promotions for your established site, or you can enlist his expert team’s help to do the promoting for you. All in all, he’s a great resource for new & experienced marketers alike.

Suggested Reading: How much does it cost to get started in affiliate marketing?

Importance of a Solid Foundation

The strength of your foundation can make the difference between soaring success and navigating turbulent waters. Let’s illuminate the importance of establishing a rock-solid base for your online business journey and explore key considerations when choosing the right platform or course.

Foundation triangle of scrabble letters

Selecting the right online platform or course is just like choosing the architectural design for your corporate office. It’s crucial to consider available tools, the comprehensiveness of the curriculum and the level of community support, ensuring that your chosen platform aligns with your goals and experience level.

The digital landscape is teeming with options, and choosing the right path can be daunting. It’s crucial to evaluate the credibility of courses, assessing the relevance of content, and understanding how each offering aligns with your unique vision.

In a world often dazzled by promises of overnight success, discernment is paramount. Unveil the reality behind the hype, so you can navigate through flashy marketing to identify platforms and courses that deliver lasting value.

The Realities of Entrepreneurship

In the realm of digital marketing, entrepreneurship isn’t just a venture; it’s a lifestyle. Many of my notes come from the influential and motivational author, Jim Rohn. He once said, “Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.” There exists profound wisdom in these words, that will guide you through the realities of entrepreneurship. Success means you will discover the commitment required and uncover the insights of a mindset that separates the thriving entrepreneur from the rest.

Jim Rohn portrait & quote

The Commitment Required:
Entrepreneurship demands more than just a passing interest; it requires commitment. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are unparalleled. You deserve to know the reality of what’s ahead, not an empty promise of overnight riches, but a road filled with a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

Mindset Matters:
Success in the digital realm is as much about mindset as it is about strategies. Jim Rohn’s wisdom on personal development aligns seamlessly with this entrepreneurial journey. There’s unbelievable power that comes from cultivating a growth mindset, overcoming challenges, and maintaining resilience in the face of adversity.

Perseverance for Long-Term Success:
Mr. Rohn also spoke often about the role of perseverance in achieving lasting success. In the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship, we need to embrace the importance of resilience and steadfastness. This means learning how to weather the storms, pivot when necessary, and keeping your eyes on the long-term goals that define a successful entrepreneur.

Finding Authentic Support

hands grouped in the middleThe Power of Community:
In the expansive world of digital marketing, navigating the intricacies becomes more manageable with a community by your side. Your personal life is dramatically affected by the people you surround yourself with, and in the online business realm, this is no different. The power of community cannot be understated, and a supportive network can become a pillar of strength.

Guidance in the Online Wilderness:
Embarking on an online business journey can feel like venturing into the wilderness. In the midst of the vast digital landscape, authentic communities stand as beacons of guidance. Fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and like-minded individuals can provide invaluable insights, share experiences, and offer practical advice that texts and courses can easily overlook.

Motivation Through Connection:
Motivation is the fuel that propels entrepreneurs forward. The impact of motivation on personal development is often highlighted by some of the best authors and teachings. In the context of online business, authentic support systems can be an absolute wellspring of motivation. We should aim to discover the encouragement that comes from shared experiences and collective growth within a supportive community.

A Sense of Belonging:
The entrepreneurial journey can sometimes be solitary, but it doesn’t have to be isolating. Authentic communities foster a sense of belonging, allowing you to connect with others who understand the challenges and triumphs unique to the digital realm. We can choose to navigate the online business landscape with the emotional support that comes from belonging to a community that shares our vision and aspirations. In the digital space, finding authentic support can be the game-changer that transforms your journey.

Conclusion: Navigating the Digital Landscape

glasses on bookAs we wrap up the ‘How to’ of digital marketing, it’s essential to distill the wisdom gained. We’ve ventured through the maze of online opportunities, dissecting common pitfalls and evaluating a selection of popular courses. The journey revealed the importance of a solid foundation, one that can withstand the dynamic digital landscape.

Reflecting on these 4 courses—Clickbank, AHRefs, Wealthy Affiliate, and NP Digital—it becomes clear that the path to success is not paved by a one-size-fits-all solution. We must navigate the digital landscape with a discerning eye, recognizing the strengths and limitations of different platforms.

We’ve touched on the principles of building a genuine, sustainable business. The foundational elements of commitment, mindset, and perseverance remain constant amidst the ever-changing digital terrain. While the allure of quick success may persist, the reality is that genuine, lasting success demands dedication and a commitment to continuous learning.

In my opinion, finding authentic support emerges as the beacon that guides us through challenges and victories. I challenge each one of you to seek out communities that provide not just knowledge but also motivation, guidance, and a sense of belonging. I sincerely believe that together, everyone achieves more.

Approach this digital realm with a commitment to building a business, not just chasing an opportunity. The ‘How to’ of digital marketing is not just about finding the right course; it’s about cultivating the right mindset and community to thrive in the dynamic world of online entrepreneurship.

May this exploration serve as a compass, guiding you to make informed choices, build a robust foundation, and embrace the challenges and triumphs of your digital journey.

I wish you all the best in your journey as a digital marketer!



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16 Responses

  1. I have 2 questions. 

    First, if you’re a beginner with basic knowledge of technology, which among the 4 choices that you enumerated is the best? We don’t want to overwhelm, so there should be only one choice.

    Second, how do you inspire entrepreneurs to stay committed and find time to be consistent? With so many responsibilities at home and work, this is so challenging.



    • Marita – thank you for the awesome questions! First, I found the training at Wealthy Affiliate to be comprehensive and easy to follow, from even a beginner skill level. The three other sources that I mentioned have good aspects, but none of them have the complete A to Z guide to building an online business, like WA. Not only that, they don’t have the community support that exists at WA – an invaluable resource.

      Secondly, you’re right – life is busy and challenging. That’s honestly why I chose to join the community here because there wasn’t a specific requirement of a number of hours, or specific times during the day that I had to contribute and be active. I’m fitting this into a 60 hour workweek with travel days twice a month and about 3-5 available hours each week. I’m doing this because I have an enormous WHY.

      When your WHY is big enough, the how won’t seem as significant, or as tough. I’m doing this to gain time with the people I love and I see this as a real, tangible opportunity to do just that. I recommend finding your reason and then it won’t be a chore anymore, just to fit in. It’ll be what you think about when you wake up and what you think about before you go to sleep. You’ll find yourself working harder on this than you do on your job, before you know it!

      Cheers Marita! If I can help with anything ever, just let me know!


  2. Thank you so much for this comprehensive post about digital marketing. I’ve long been interested in trying it out for my self , but as you point out it can be scary doing it all by one self, and I think that’s why I haven’t succeeded in starting much yet. But this wealthy affiliate seams really interesting , I really feel like I should give it a try! Thanks again for a great post !

    • You’re so welcome! The moment I found out there was a whole community of like minded individuals, open to supporting me on the journey, it was a NO-brainer. I’m truly excited about this opportunity at Wealthy Affiliate and I just had to share it with others… 

      If you decide to give it a shot, please let me know how your journey progresses. I’d love to share your story!

      And if I can help with anything ever, just let me know.

      Thanks Jonah!

  3. Great piece! Embarking on the digital marketing journey has been a rollercoaster of discoveries. The path led me to the warm embrace of communities at Wealthy Affiliate – which is one of the best learning platforms on the internet! It’s more than a journey; it’s a personal quest for success, demanding commitment and a resilient mindset (which I know can be hard at times). Yet, the real treasure? Authentic support – communities sharing wisdom, guidance, and a comforting sense of belonging. Cheers to navigating this digital adventure with purpose, resilience, and the power of a supportive group while we all achieve our goals. 

    • Yes! Yes! and more YES!! If I could high-five you, I would!

      Thanks for sharing. You get this journey and I’m so glad I could pen something that resonates with a fellow marketer 🙂

      Thank you!

  4. Great article! Your article is a treasure trove of practical insights and guidance for anyone looking to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. I appreciate that you covered many of the roadblocks entrepreneurs will run into when first starting out on this path and the resources you’ve given in this article. I have heard of Clickbank, Ahrefs, and Wealthy Affiliate, but could you go a little more in-depth on NP Digital?

    • Certainly. I found NP Digital when I started searching for affiliate marketing resources. Neil Patel has established NP Digital as a enterprise-level marketing firm designed to take the Search Engine Promotion & Optimization goals of large traffic sites and centralize them with his unique level of experience.

      His site kept showing up in my comparison searches, because he’s become an absolute authority. I had never heard of him until his picture was ‘in my face’ every time I researched a new keyword. That said, if you have a significant ad spend ($50k/mo+), I would recommend seeking his assistance. He’s both current and relevant in this space.

      Thanks for the comments Kevin! Let me know if I can be of any other help!


  5. Well done, Jake. This is a good rundown of the digital market space. I did feel, though, that some of the aspects you discussed were more overview and “big picture”, rather than the nitty-gritty of the “how to” in the title. Nevertheless, your article provides plenty of good information for those wishing to take up the role of a digital entrepreneur. Best wishes, Jenni.

    • Jenni, would you believe that this is destined to be a ‘pillar post’ of You picked up on the concept though – I just have yet to write all the nitty-gritty that will be linked throughout this article 🙂

      I appreciate your honesty. Stay tuned for the GRITTY 😉


  6. Hello, interesting article on how to become a digital marketer. I am a bit confused though about the different popular online courses, like Wealthyaffiliate, are you going to dive deeper into these courses? I have tried for 6 months now to earn money with affiliate marketing, but so far not so very successful, will it take more time? thanks!

    • Hey Lizzy! I’m glad you asked. Everyone’s learning curve is unique so I can’t say 6 months is enough for one as it may be more than enough for another.

      Here’s my best perspective. In any business, you have to fail your way to the top. The faster you can fail, and get back up – the faster you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t. Consider Thomas Edison: he said “I didn’t fail for all those years, I just figured out 10,000 ways that didn’t work”.

      What’s great about Wealthy Affiliate is that you have a community of support to bounce ideas off of – in a judgement-free environment. I would utilize those reviews and those comments to your advantage. The pay-it-forward system in place for leaving comments allows you to see other’s sites and get ideas for your own ðŸ™‚

      And yes, I plan to do a much deeper dive into Wealthy Affiliate with the upcoming training I have in store. I’ve been laying the groundwork of personal development first but stay tuned!

      Thanks for your comment!


  7. Jake you are a great writer and I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.  I personally have been looking at Click Bank and their offer to make $2000 in the first so many weeks.  I keep thinking if it sounds to good to be true it probably is.  The other options you describe here I am unfamiliar with except for WA.  No promises of instant wealth, success through a slow process of posting and building a business with the support of a community of affiliate marketers.  

    Picking my niche was the easy part as I have for the last 60+ years enjoyed listening to good music coming from good equipment.  In todays market also always being a big fan of mvies for the last 70+ years I am also into projection equipment.  The hard part for me was pushing myself to write 3 posts a week.  No simple task.

    Your post was very accurate in describing the road to true success.  The information about hiring others to do the work for you was interesting.  I think at the point I become successful this would be a good option for keeping my business going for my family if the cost were not to prohibitive.  

    I cannot see myself running more than one site at this time and that would also make multiple sites easier.  How do you feel about this idea?  Would it be something you might consider at some point?  Thnk you again for your inciteful post.  You got the wheels in my mind turning aggain.


    • Gene, thanks for your kind words. I’m really glad I got the ‘wheels turning’ for you again too!

      I believe that any business owner needs to consider scaling their operation to achieve separation from the day-to-day. During the building stage, you’re in control but if you really want to provide a lifestyle, not just a living, I believe there’s a time to surround yourself with people that you trust. Remember, delegation isn’t a 4 letter word 🙂

      Focus on quality first – then you can move towards quantity.

      All my best to your journey – and if I can ever be of help, just let me know.

      Again, thank you,


  8. Well done on creating an informative and engaging piece! I appreciate how you covered the realities of entrepreneurship and how much commitment it requires for one to succeed. I also agree that having authentic support to guide you along the way makes a huge difference in your ability to keep going and persevere. I do wonder, however, where are good places to find this authentic support?

    • Kevin, there are a few communities of marketers out there. Several forums and social media groups that share good ideas and tips, but none have been able to compare to the support I’ve found at Wealthy Affiliate. From the pay-it-forward design that encourages community engagement to the welcoming spirit of everyone when you join – it’s truly a place where online businesses can start and flourish.

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